Wednesday, August 14, 2019

On heroin in Chicago

Chicago westside and southside are the drug lands for Chicago , if you looking for dope all you have to do is go to either side of Chicago and ask the question ? Who got dope .

Nothing has changed since my years of using dope , when I used heroin I used on the westside , and I've been clean now for 21 years . I often go to the same areas where I used and believe it or not I see the same people that stood in dope lines with me still using to this day , and that's sad .

You look around these sides of town and it is filled with poverty , you have the same alderman and congressman still in office with a lifetime position and these places look like pure hell dens .

It's all about the green buck with these ghetto political hire ups , you never see these fools until it's time to vote again , and after they buy you that chicken dinner or pass out those school book bags you never see them again .

Something has to be done to fix this addiction problem in the hood , but as I ride around the streets of the westside and southside of Chicago I must say , we are in this fight alone , but I will never give up until I take my last breath .

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