Thursday, June 13, 2019

Heroin and Fentanyl a deadly combination

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Fentanyl is a opioid used as pain medication . When fentanyl is used illicitly it is in the pill , powder , liquid or a white or brown powdwer form . Fentanyl is more potent than heroin or morphine , three milligrams of fentanyl can be deadly , compared to 30 milligrams of heroin .
Fentanyl has been tested and found in illicit drugs such as heroin , methaphetamine , cocaine and other opioids . Often times those people buying or using drugs are not aware of the presence of fentanyl in the drugs they consume , some people have lose their lives and overdosed because the addition of fentanyl in any drug could be the death blow of that person .    
In most cities across the country fentanyl in taking lives of heroin users and in most cases people think they are buying heroin when in fact they have bought fentanyl . 
If you know anyone who is using heroin please make them aware of what fentanyl is and what it can do to a person whos using it with other drugs .
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